In his state budget plan proposed in February, Conn. Governor Dannel Malloy suggested cuts that would directly impact private colleges and universities, such as Fairfield University.
As a response to Gov. Malloy’s proposed budget plan, President of Fairfield University Father Jeffrey von Arx, S.J. testified against the budget cuts on Wed., March 11 at a legislative hearing.
Father von Arx argued specifically against House Bill 6965, a bill that would require private colleges to pay taxes on real and personal property purchased after 2016. The bill would also include taxes on the purchase of computers, scientific equipment and other items.
In his opposition to the budget plan, Father von Arx argued that these budget cuts would further hinder the financial challenges Fairfield University is facing as an institution. He also expressed concern for the impact this bill would have on the availability of academic resources for students here at Fairfield.
“This legislation adds another layer of expense that must be passed on to our students,” Father von Arx said at the legislative hearing.
“It is tantamount to a reduction in financial support for students in need, putting higher education outside their reach when the state’s economic future is contingent on an increasingly educated workforce,” Father von Arx continued.
In addition, Vice President for Finance Mike Trafecante testified against House Bill 6845, which proposes that from 2016 on, students who live in CT and choose to attend private colleges in Connecticut will be excluded from the Governor’s Scholarship Program.
“At Fairfield, accessibility to higher education is a strategic priority, and we undertake efforts to operate more efficiently and keep tuition increases in check.”
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