As a publication, our past informs our present. This week, we decided to dive into The Mirror archives and showcase our issue from Feb. 18, 1988. 

The Mirror serves as an outlet for students’ voices and offers students opportunities for dialogue surrounding pressing issues. After 36 years, the similarities with campus conversation remain. 

“We are not unrealistic. We do not expect the university to cancel classes at the sight of every snowflake. However, when the roads are covered with snow and ice, and traveling conditions are hazardous, we would appreciate not having to risk our lives getting here.” – The Commuter Club 

The Opinion section featured a piece entitled “Snow and Ice Demand Classes Online” in our Jan. 31 issue. Contributing Writer Olivia Duprat expressed concerns about the slick sidewalks, with wintery conditions hindering students’ ability to traverse campus. The Commuter Club echoed these sentiments back in 1988, noting that they would “appreciate not having to risk [their] lives getting” to classes. 

“Justice is one thing; life and death is another… We are all enrolled at a Liberal Arts College, where classes are designed specifically for the idea of Independent thinking as a source for fresh, new ideas. How will we be able to think in these creative terms if our own livelihoods are in danger because of lack of knowledge?” – “Aids and Injustice” (commentary on unwillingness to discuss Aids precautions) 

In a Letter to the Editor, an unnamed author weighed in on an ongoing discussion about education on the AIDS epidemic. According to the National Institute of Health, 32,399 AIDS cases were reported to the Centers for Disease Control in 1988. The author noted that, despite the pressing nature of the public health crisis, few educators were willing to address the issue. Today, the value of fruitful discourse is of heightened importance within our Jesuit institution. 

“The FUSA President-elect, Frank Carroll, appointed his Vice Presidents for the 1988-89 school year on Feb. 5. ‘Enthusiasm seems to be the overriding feeling among the new administration,’ stated Caroll.” – Gail English, Stagg Writer 

In 1988, the student body was abuzz over the announcement of the latest FUSA leadership. This week, Fairfield students can sense the same anticipation as the 2024-25 FUSA election looms closer. The Mirror is excited to cover the unfolding events, beginning with the Presidential Debate that will take place on Thursday, Feb. 22 at 7 p.m. in the LLBCC. 

“The Mirror welcomes the opinions and comments of its readers. Letters to the Editor can be submitted to Box AA or to the Mirror office in the ground floor of Gonzaga.”

A final observation is tied to a call to action. Our archival selection was consumed by Letters to the Editor, as students and faculty boldly voiced their thoughts on published works within The Mirror. The paper solicited such content, asking interested writers to submit their commentary to the office in Gonzaga. We have since moved to a new office in the LLBCC, nestled between the Offices of FUSA and Residence Life. But, our box (which is now a digital folder) is always open for submissions. For more information, visit us at 7 p.m. on Mondays or send an email to

About The Author

-- Junior | Managing Editor | Communication & Digital Journalism --

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