Management Club Guest Panel – November 5, 2013
Last Tuesday, the Management Club sponsored an event with three guest speakers in the Human Resources field. Dr. Lisa Mainiero, professor of management, introduced the speakers, Pat Nzemets, Sharon Budds and Debora Gross, who took turns talking about their career paths and experiences. Business school students had the ability to engage with them while eating pizza. The club touched upon the point of always having the ability to “convey your story” to another professional. Another important takeaway was to be authentic. Companies want to understand the employee as a person. The better the employee articulates his or her goals, the more success the employee will have. The speakers said networking plays a major role in the job search process.
Marketing Club Guest Speaker – October 30, 2013
On Wednesday, Oct. 30, in the Dolan School of Business dining room, Senior Director of Global Marketing and Merchandising at Ralph Lauren, Alison Muench ‘02, spoke to 170 business school students. Recruited by the Marketing Club, Muench shared experiences and lessons she has learned throughout her successful career path. In the past she has had positions at Nike, L’Oreal and Vera Wang. She spoke about “finding your passion” and tipped students on successful interviewing techniques. Dr. Jerry Cavallo, associate professor of marketing, said, “It’s great that the Marketing Club brings such wonderful former Fairfield University graduates to serve as an inspiration for our current students. She was terrific.”
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