Excitement. Freedom. Convenience.
These are the adjectives one would think to associate with having their car on campus. To some extent that assumption is correct; however, along with the sense of freedom also comes a list of rules.
“Parking is such a sensitive area, it’s important we get the information out as our traffic enforcement efforts begin shortly,” said the Associate Director of Public Safety Frank J. Ficko.
Starting Friday September 16, 2011 all vehicles must be registered with the University. Registration costs $120 and must be completed on Stagweb under “Parking Registration” as well as in the Public Safety office located in the Lower Level of Loyola Hall.
The option to register a vehicle is only permitted to Juniors and Seniors on campus. Neither Freshmen nor Sophomores are allowed to register their car for any reason, nor are Juniors nor Seniors allowed to register underclassmen in their name. If they do so, their parking privileges can be revoked.
Once students have completed the registration process they will receive a sticker representing which parking lot they are permitted to use. Details explaining this further can be found at Fairfield.edu/parking.
Ficko also wanted to emphasize this years security. The guest policy will be strictly enforced requiring students to register their guests 24 hours prior via the registration form and are only allowed two guests at a time.
“(Students are) expected to greet their guests upon arrival to campus and know their whereabouts at all times. They are responsible for the conduct of their guests and assume all responsibility for their behavior,” said Ficko.
All of these rules may seem redundant and inconvenient; however, Frank Ficko and the rest of the Public Safety staff want the student body to be safe and aware of the rules around campus to make everyone’s year a little less stressful. They also ask students to keep their Stagcard with them at all times.
To make the start of this year not only exciting but also successful, the Public Safety staff ask the students to read the rules and follow them as closely as they can.
If you want any more information, call the Public Safety office and speak to MaryAnn DeMasi ext. 2145 or go online to Fairfield.edu/parking.
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