‘ ‘ ‘ ‘Live in community, act in the world.’
‘ ‘ ‘ Contributing to the strategic plan of the University, the class of 2012 has the unique opportunity to be the first class ever to participate in the newest Living/Learning Community, the Just-Us Residential College, housed in the former Jesuit Residence.
‘ ‘ ‘ The Just-Us residence, focused on social justice and diversity, provides sophomores with an alternative to the Ignatian Residential College. While the Ignatian program promotes Ignatian reflection, answering the question ‘Who am I,’ the Just-Us community will be promoting Jesuit service ideals, answering ‘How can I make a difference here, now?’
‘ ‘ ‘ The projected program allows 140 sophomores, who are committed to community service and social justice, to go beyond the small community service groups at Campus Ministry and live with a group of individuals concerned with life outside of Fairfield County. The program is not inherently religious, but should attract students of all faiths, races and socioeconomic backgrounds who want to do something to help the Fairfield community and beyond.
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘Just-Us’ may be a play on the word ‘justice,’ but the projects could already find creating a feeling of exclusion in those who will not be involved in, and maybe rejected from, the program.’ And, although the program will be promoting the idea of a tight-knit community, members may find themselves to be isolated from other Fairfield University students and experiences because of the distance of the converted Jesuit Residence facility from other residence halls on campus.
‘ ‘ ‘ Just-Us needs to clarify the ideals they are promoting. Because diversity is one of the two main objections of the program, it should spend a great deal of time explaining that the program caters to concepts beyond race. In reality, we view diversity to go beyond standard definitions to include and promote diversity of culture, opinions, ideals, sexuality, religions, languages and socioeconomic backgrounds.’ ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘ Cura personalis is a concept frequently alluded to by the University. The Ignatian program has succeeded in bringing a new level of ‘the whole person’ to its participants. Living and Learning floors are a good idea, but the activity among the residents is not as engaging as the Ignatian program in Loyola Hall.
Following in Ignatian’s footsteps, Just-Us gives more sophomores the opportunity to get involved in a Living and Learning community that appeals to their interests.
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