Several weeks ago, The Mirror’s editorial board commended Housing Operations at the university for arriving at what seemed to be the best possible decision with the “housing crunch” for next year. An additional student resident was added to all the Townhouses, the traditional luxury of upperclassmen. Understandably, an extra housemate is not wonderful news for residents in the townhouses. However, the editorial voiced appreciation for housing’s efforts to maximize the happiness of the university’s students. Despite the hardships of the extra person in a house, there would be more students that could enjoy this lifestyle and fewer students “banished” to underclassman living conditions.
It is understandable that economics and university improvement will dictate an increase in tuition and living fees. Yet, it is quite unfortunate that this burden will be passed onto the already stressed townhouse population. Each additional townhouse resident will be expected to pay an additional $250 for the rental of their house. This is a comparable increase to the one allocated for apartment residents. Each apartment unit will generate about $1,080 additionally. Townhouses, on the other hand, shall generate either $1,225 (for five-person) or $1,750 (for seven-person.) Should those residents who are incurring an additional pressure of an added housemate be asked to foot so much of the bill at the behest of the Board of Trustees?
All signs point to an effort to improve the university in every imaginable way. Professors are well paid, construction is everywhere, Internet services are improved and — not surprisingly — there are more students applying to the university. This fact has created the recurring “housing crunch,” resulting in the need for changes to traditional housing on campus.
Paying extra for the betterment of the university we all attend is one thing, but asking those members of the student community that have already been impacted by these improvements in a negative way is simply not right.
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