After long, cold winters, spring break is always something to look forward to. Whether traveling somewhere tropical or having a “staycation” it’s a time to relax and enjoy those around you. This year everything has changed; big or small, our lives are very much different than in years past.
In speaking with other students, I found a common theme in everyone’s responses. Students, faculty and professors are exhausted. Mentally and physically, everyone is drained. Between COVID testing, school work, grading papers and tests and even just daily duties, the work seems never ending. Professors by no means should be assigning work over the break. Though we had an extensive Thanksgiving and Christmas break, we have not had a moment to slow down and rest since. The break is short as it is, consisting of really only four days off from school. Students for so many reasons need time to rest and relax and spend time with their families and friends. It feels as though life was a lot slower at this time last year, where a majority of everyone spent most days at home with little going on. Keeping in mind the pandemic is nowhere near over, life has surely sped up; yet, there is still some hope.
Mike Delletorre, also a senior at Fairfield University feels very similar, and speaks strongly on the topic, “While us students may not like it, it probably was a good idea to cancel spring break. It stinks for students because we obviously want to have time off from school and a chance to go on vacation so we lost out on that part,” he said. “Professors should absolutely not be assigning work. It’s spring break, give us a break!”
Senior Julia Canestrari agreed. “I don’t think it was a good idea to cancel spring break,” she said. “Professors really shouldn’t be assigning work over the break. After all, it is a holiday and this is a Jesuit university.”
Senior Isobel Dagon has a realistic approach on the subject. “The students want to have a spring break but it was probably a smart idea to take it away,” she says. “Students are taking advantage of this easter break and treating it like spring break so it doesn’t make a difference if they canceled spring break or not. Professors shouldn’t be giving work over this break. We need time to regroup and rest.”
I personally have been greatly overwhelmed the past few weeks in terms of school work. Many students feel as though we have a significant more amount of work this semester than last. Cenestrari added, “COVID has affected me and my friends so much. I had five midterms this past week. It is exhausting.” I know for myself I believe that professors think that because we aren’t in the classroom that we have more time to do work, therefore they have been assigning more and more things. Though I am used to it, learning online is very difficult and can often be frustrating. It is incredible to think that my final year in what should have been a classroom is on my computer, sitting in my beach house.
Most if not all years, seniors at Fairfield travel to warm places with their friends and enjoy some time away before graduation. It has been a tradition that has gone on for many years, celebrating their time at Fairfield. This year will be very different. I know many people plan to head south in hopes of some rest and relaxation, but there will be no massive spring break parties. Though this is hard on everyone and extremely disappointing, the important thing is that people stay safe and healthy. The more careful we are, the faster we will get out of this and eventually, hopefully, return to normal lives where we can have vacations and enjoy time with loved ones. It is my hope that professors and students take this coming break to rest and regroup in preparation for the coming two months.
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