Homosexuals want to be granted the right to marry. Right now, they enjoy all the same rights that heterosexuals enjoy; this wish is for a special or extra right to marry within one’s own sex. They want this special right for financial reasons and for social acceptance that they believe will come as a result of government recognition.
There are many reasons why their wish should not be granted. Every state in the United States restricts marriage under law. For instance, it is illegal to marry before you are 18, and it is illegal to marry someone in your immediate family. If a brother and sister love each other and are committed to each other, why shouldn’t they have this right? Most people are aware of the frequency of complications of children born from incest, and so it does have to do with children. The type of child that an incestual marriage would bring into society would not benefit society, but probably hurt it. Homosexuals on their own cannot have children, so granting them this right should bring something else to society.
It is begging the question to say that to grant homosexuals a special right to marry will force society to accept homosexuality, because for the same-sex marriage law to pass it is assumed that homosexuality is accepted.
All that is left in terms of benefits is the betterment of the financial situation of homosexuals. This would be mainly in terms of taxes, and would not be a hugely significant amount of money. It would, however, take that tax money out of the hands of the government.
Since same-sex marriage inevitably brings nothing to society, yet goes against the beliefs of the majority of this country, almost all major religions and the state of nature, it should not be recognized or legalized.
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