“Dear Brooke, I’m looking for on-campus paying jobs that aren’t for work-study students only. Do you know of anywhere I can apply?” With all of the expensive, end-of-the-year events, it’s no...
With five registration periods under my belt, I feel like I know the ins and outs of these stressful weeks pretty well. The routine I have been using for years has become incredibly easy to pick out what...
“Dear Brooke, what are some general tips you’ve learned while living at Fairfield?” As I am slowly leaving behind my halfway point as a Fairfield college student, I’ve learned a lot in the past two...
“Dear Brooke, do you have any recommendations for getting Halloween costumes on a budget?” This is an amazing question, and one I’m sure a lot of other college students are trying to figure out as...
“Dear Brooke, what’s your advice for dating on campus?” A part of me just wants to respond to this question with a quick and easy “don’t.” But, that wouldn’t be right because college is the...
“Dear Brooke, with a hard major, how do you still do the clubs you want?” As an English Creative Writing major, I’m sure that many may deem me unqualified to answer this question. However, since I am...
“Dear Brooke, I’ve always had a room to myself. What are some tips on living with a roommate at school?” With all of the excitement there is to becoming an incoming college student, there are also...