As the excitement of planning for a new semester begins to unfold, there are many considerations to be made. So many of the courses offered at Fairfield cover an extensive amount of important information on...
Imagine feeling like you do not belong anywhere and that you are not entitled to help when you most desperately need it. Unfortunately, that is how millions of people worldwide feel every single day....
When I came to Fairfield University, I knew that LGBTQ+ folks were not going to make up the majority of the population. Many LGBTQ+ students chose to study at Fairfield University because of the quality of...
Today on Oct. 8, the Supreme Court of the United States has begun hearing details of three different cases detailing claims of workplace discrimination against various members of the LGBTQ+ community. As...
Amidst the general divided nature of our current political climate, on Tuesday, Jan. 22, President Donald J. Trump’s administration added yet more fuel to the fire by reviving and succeeding in overriding a...
During Lady Gaga’s Jan. 19 Enigma show in Las Vegas, Nev., Gaga decided to make some very strong, but fair, political comments right in the middle of her performance of hit song “Million Reasons”.....
I grew up, as many other members of my generation did, watching PBS; up until early elementary school that was literally the only thing I watched. It stands to reason then that TV personalities like Mr. Rogers...
When we think of the 1980s, images of Madonna, huge curly hair, leg warmers and movies like “Back to the Future” are what we normally conjure up. However, in the midst of synth pop hits and happy-go-lucky...
It was reported by The New York Times on Dec. 1 that an Anglican priest in Glasgow, Scotland made a controversial blog post about the furtherment of same-sex marriage in the United Kingdom. What is drawing the...
A report from NBC on Oct. 17 said that President Trump joked in the past that his Vice President Mike Pence “wants to hang” all gay people. This sparked a number of responses from the Human Rights Campaign...