The widely popular video game franchise “Tomb Raider” was transformed into a feature film on March 16. The film featured Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft, Daniel Wu as Lu Ren, Dominic West as Lord Richard...
For Bostonians and Americans alike, the events surrounding the day of April 15, 2013 will forever be ingrained in our memories as one of the most gripping terrorist attacks to occur on American soil. The...
In 1977, the original “Star Wars” was released — an instant hit, featuring the well-known plot of the fight between good and evil. The Rebel Alliance against the Empire, the “Light” versus the...
The first spoken words of “Deadpool” were nothing short of the humor that was expected. “I know right? You're probably thinking ‘Whose balls did I have to fondle to get my very own movie’? I can't...
Director Lenny Abrahamson’s wonderful film adaption of the book “Room,” released on Jan. 22, tells the incredible story of one woman’s resilience and strength as she tries to raise her son while being...
Shoot outs, car chases, and plane crashes — “Spectre” has every quality of a great James Bond movie with a few extra bonuses. Director Sam Mendes, winner of an Academy and Golden Globe award for his film...
SPOILERS It was refreshing to see Robert De Niro cast as another character aside from Mafia bosses like Vito Corleone in “The Godfather Part II” or hardened everyday men like Jack...
Viewers always need to see something with a little twist, something that makes one’s body shiver or has you saying “I did not see that coming.” If that’s you, then “The Perfect Guy” is the movie...