“Joker” has been met with waves of controversy leading up to its release. Critics who screened the movie at festivals claimed that this movie was so violent and twisted that it might inspire copycats to...
“Shazam!” is directed by David F. Sandberg, stars Zachary Levi, Asher Angel and Jack Dylan Grazer and is a comedic take on the superhero genre based on the original Shazam! stories by DC Comics. Keeping...
It wasn’t until late afternoon on Nov. 12, after what had already been a bad day, that I found out Stan Lee had died hours before. To say I was upset is an understatement. Stan Lee was born and raised in...
Make way Captain Marvel and Spider-Gwen, Marvel has issued a new female-led comic series that is blowing superhero stereotypes out of the water: Miss America. First introduced in 1944, Miss America was...