Meet Gabby Clune ‘25, a nursing student at Fairfield University. At the start of the spring semester, she embarked on her clinical rotation journey. Nursing students begin clinicals in the second semester of their sophomore year and have the chance to get placed in two rotations: geriatrics or mental health. Clune was placed in geriatrics, and will spend five weeks getting hands-on experience at a nursing home in Greenwich, Conn.
Her clinicals are Saturdays at 7 a.m., but that is not the case for everyone, as clinicals could take place any day of the week. Geriatric clinicals are commonly Tuesdays and Saturdays. Her Saturday morning begins at 5:15 a.m. since her clinical is the farthest one away—a 40-minute drive compared to other nursing students placed at a nursing home in Fairfield, Conn.
Clune carpools with other nursing students, grabs Dunkin’ for the road “to charge up” and arrives before 7 a.m. … “to be early.” She prepares her lunch the night before, eats her meals when she’s not working and snacks throughout her day.
Clune has loved her experience so far.
“I love feeling like a real nurse and helping real people. It’s rewarding to see how my studies are implemented in my life and how I can make a difference in people’s lives,” she shared.
Clune assists the residents with personal hygiene, helps feed them and keeps them company. She continues, “This experience has given me insight into my future career and I’ve been able to build a good foundation throughout my experience thus far.” She heads home at 3:30 p.m., after an eight-and-a-half-hour day.
Fellow sophomore Erica Adams is excited to begin her clinical journey, as the next rotation of clinicals starts on March 4, in which Clune will have the rest of her semester off as she makes way for the next batch of nursing students. Stay tuned for her story!
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