Once Pres Ball comes and goes, it can seem like the ~big~ event of the semester is over and there’s nothing else to look forward to until Christmas Break. Well, here at Fairfield, that couldn’t be further from the truth. We have an amazing campus in an incredible town, and there’s still so much to look forward to for the rest of the semester. Check out the list below for some ideas.
1) The Fall Concert
Every year, FUSA puts on an awesome fall concert featuring an exciting new artist. This year, the artist of choice is Lil Dicky, whose work has been on the Billboard No. 1 charts several times, and the concert takes place right after Red Sea Madness in Alumni Hall. It’s a great way to show your Stag spirit — and have something fun to do.
2) Fall Weather
Fairfield is probably one of the most New England-esque towns out there and there’s no better time to take advantage of that than during the fall. Take a walk through campus and check out all the beautiful fall foliage, or grab your roommates and head to Silverman’s Apple Farm for a fun fall day.
3) Thanksgiving Break
Once it hits the middle of November, it seems like all your professors get together and gang up on you by making all your papers and projects due the same week. Going home for Thanksgiving break is the best way to get some serious R&R. Plus, you get to eat as much food and watch as much football as you want and no one can say anything. No complaints here.
4) Lighting of the Christmas Tree
After Thanksgiving, when the air gets colder and Christmas is right around the corner, Fairfield’s campus is lit up with the most beautiful lights. The giant tree by the Chapel is seriously breath-taking. It makes every walk around campus, even the one back from your 6:30-9pm turbo, feel like you’re walking through a winter wonderland. If you’re feeling really energetic, you could even take the Metro North into the city to see the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center.
5) Midnight Breakfast
Any Fairfield student with tell you that Midnight Breakfast is hands down the best night of the whole semester. Right before the stress of finals really sets in, every student heads to Barone the night of the last day of classes to eat breakfast served to them by professors and belt out everyone’s favorite Christmas carols on top of the dining hall tables. This event is a must for all students, freshmen to seniors. Make sure you get a ticket in time, though; last year they sold out!
Happy fall semester, Stags!
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