Superman is taking a trip to the seamstress today.
He got caught
In the wicked rain showers,
The shrieking wind,
And the Earth-rattling
Thunder and lightning storm.
His cape now has a rip
Down the center
And the mighty ‘S,’
Framed by the iconic diamond shape,
Lies in two halves.
Without his cape,
He becomes
Your average Joe—
His powers diminish
And flying he does not go.
His mighty muscles remain,
But he has great fatigue
And twinges of soreness
And slight pain
Like a runner the day after a big race.
Superman has to take a rest day today
While they fix his beloved cape.
He now humbly sits
On the curb outside the seamstress’s shop,
Looking up at the sky and the sun,
Imagining all of the good he will accomplish
When this is all done.
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