With my burnt orange autumn nails freshly done, gaudy gold earrings dangling in my face and my all-white high-top converse tightly secured, I was overly excited and incredibly prepared to take on the university’s annual Presidential Ball! Although the night seemed to go by insanely fast, I can easily say that I had a wonderful time.
My night started out in the living room of my Barnyard Manor apartment with my seven other roommates where we blasted our karaoke speakers with our favorite party tunes, put on our makeup with the use of our luxurious bathroom counter space and chatted about what we thought the night’s adventures would consist of. Once we were all dolled up, we went outside to our backyard, took an absurd amount of pictures and talked with our neighbors – which was my “high” in “high, low, weirdo” at our roommate’s brunch the next day (happy birthday, Katie!). But as soon as it was 8 p.m, we made sure to rush up to Bellarmine Hall to enter the scene so we didn’t miss any action. Let me just say, this year’s commute was so much better now that I knew to wear sneakers instead of heels – lesson learned!
The entry process was incredibly smooth; there were multiple workers that could scan your ticket, there was no line and there were numerous people directing you once you got to the end of the gates. The venue was gorgeous per usual, with a grand white tent stretched along the back of Bellarmine Hall. There were countless tables to use if needed, pretty colored lights and multiple tables of food that partly surrounded the theme of “The Great Gatsby,” but were also just some Stag favorites. The menu included mac and cheese bites, chicken nuggets, fries, mozzarella sticks, spring rolls, Philly cheesesteak spring rolls and pizza quiches. For dessert they had mini assorted cupcakes, petit fours and black and white cookies, which I chose as my sweet treat – it was so soft! Aramark, the company that catered (and runs our on-campus dining hall), also provided students with a gluten-free option upon request which I thought was a nice inclusion for those with dietary restrictions.
Of course, my friends and I were smart enough to also remember to take our picture with President Nemec and his lovely wife before they left, but also before we were sweaty and flushed from all of our dancing. When we made it to the top of the Hall, the President greeted us with a nice smile and handshake. The photographers were very understanding as they took pictures with both their professional cameras and our iPhones so that we could have multiple options to choose from. One of them also gave me some tips so that our pictures would come out the best that they could (which at the moment I was a little offended, but now I appreciate it)!
My friends and I finally got to the dance floor, where we went to the outer part of the barricade so that we could exit the space easily, have enough dancing room and hear the music. It was a much better experience than 2021 when I was in the middle of the chaos and people were pushing me, stepping on my toes and pulling my hair. So, you can find me in the same spot at next year’s Pres Ball! The playlist was a good mix, with some newer releases by Lizzo and Harry Styles, but also older classics such as “What Makes You Beautiful” and “Gold Digger.” I was very pleased to get a handful of Mr. 305 songs in there as well!
I left the dance floor with a smile on my face and a loaded camera roll filled with unforgettable memories. It was honestly an experience I wouldn’t have changed in any way, and I already am looking forward to the 2023 President’s Ball. But for now, Red Sea Madness has a tough act to follow!
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