As we ease into the Spring semester, it is the optimal time to figure out how to start your semester strong. Keep reading for a complete how-to guide on how to get off on the right foot!
Step 1: Get organized!
In order to be the best student possible, I recommend getting a planner or using an online one. Planners are great to write down your homework, take note of when you have classes and when important assignments are due. I organize all my classes using a spreadsheet that I actually got inspired to make from a Tik Tok. I make columns for due dates, class name, assignment type, assignment name and a box to mark whether the assignment is completed or not.
From there, I use all my syllabi to fill the spreadsheet in and color code it all based on the assignment type. After that, I make sure the spreadsheet is sorted by the due date column. This makes it really easy to stay on track of all due dates and upcoming deadlines. Definitely take advantage of Google Calendar too so that you can mark all the times you have class and note the dates with the biggest assignments like exams, essays and presentations.
Step 2: Get a fresh pair of sheets
Nothing helps me feel more at ease about starting a new semester than when I start with a fresh pair of clean sheets on my bed. It just feels so much better to go to bed when your sheets are freshly cleaned. No sleep compares to the first sleep in a fresh set of sheets.
Step 3: Make sure you get all of your textbooks
Check if you need any textbooks or other required materials for your classes. If you do, make sure to order them soon! You don’t want to order them too late and not have them when you need them for class. You can also check using Fairfield’s bookstore website. Once you figure out what materials you need, look on Amazon, Chegg, or other websites to try to find them for cheaper.
Step 4: Create a good study playlist
One of my favorite ways to throw myself back into doing work is to have a really good playlist to listen to while studying. Spotify also has really good study playlists too if you want something easy that’s already made for you. Finding a good playlist can really propel you into the semester and can give you that extra push and motivation to do your work.
Step 5: Make a friend in each of your classes
I don’t know about you, but I rarely take classes with my friends. Because of this, I try to make friends in each of my classes. It’s so helpful to have someone to talk to in your classes because then you will have someone to study and do work with and ask if you have any questions about an assignment. It’s also really nice to just be friendly to the people you sit around.
Following these steps will provide you with the tools to build a strong foundation for the semester ahead.
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