Groundhog’s Day is the most American holiday. It’s just a fact. There is nothing more American than a group of old men in top hats removing a rodent from a hole and claiming it can tell the weather. It’s celebrated every year on Feb. 2 when the Inner Circle (the proper name for those men in top hats), get together to remove the groundhog from his burrow.
Now, I’ve been celebrating this magnificent holiday for my entire 21 years on earth. So I know a thing or two about how to properly commemorate this magnificent occasion. Therefore, out of the kindness of my own heart, I am going to give you a few quick tips on how to make this Groundhog’s Day the best one yet.
Step One: Preparation
The Groundhog emerges at around 7:30 a.m. each year. I don’t know about you, but that is incredibly early for me. I have to set about ten alarms to really shake me awake in time for his debut. Because it’s this early, it’s important to do some nightly preparation beforehand. I typically prepare by laying out a mug and pancake mix on the counter, just to remind me of my morning tasks post-Groundhog emergence. I also do some research to see which news outlets are broadcasting this slightly niche event. Then, the morning of, all I have to do is wake up, throw slippers on, stumble into my living room and click the television on.
Step Two: Watch the Event
Before the actual emergence of the rodent at 7:30, the Inner Circle does not disappoint in keeping the crowd going. They throw a “Party All Night” event, that starts at around 3:00 a.m., to keep those that attended in person entertained. Further, they also have a “Gobbler’s Knob Got Talent” event where the crowd votes on which contestant is the most talented. This event is from 2:00 4:00 a.m., so if you click on the broadcast a little bit early, you might catch some amazing performances.
Then, with much fanfare, the Groundhog pops out of his burrow and his weather prediction is read aloud by the circle. If it’s early Spring, the crowd typically breaks out in celebration, and finally, our celebrations can begin.
Step Three: Celebration
Now that the Groundhog has stated its prediction, we can go on with our celebration. I usually start with a big breakfast for me and my roommates. Last year I bought a disgusting-looking funfetti pancake mix just because it felt like it strongly celebrated the Groundhog. I cook some pancakes, eggs, bacon and make some coffee or hot chocolate. We sit around my table to eat and just chat about the day ahead of us. If the topic of the Groundhog comes up, it was meant to be and we just let it happen.
Step Four: Pot Roast
Now, this is just a family tradition in my house, but I always cook a pot roast for Groundhog’s Day. There are jokes to be made about this I’m sure, yet after years of doing it, I just have to continue the tradition. If I don’t have class, I cook it in the afternoon. If I have class I use the best modern technology ever bestowed upon man: the crockpot. It cooks all day and then by the evening we have one of the most healing, delicious meals to eat in early February.
Step Five: Adjust the Groundhog
Now another needed preparation to properly celebrate Groundhog’s Day is decorations. In my house, I have a Groundhog statue that gets placed in the middle of the kitchen table. The Groundhog has a pair of sunglasses and thus if the prediction is early spring, the sunglasses get placed on the Groundhog to indicate the prediction. If the prediction is six more weeks of winter, then the Groundhog stays naked. It’s a fun tradition that my roommates have slowly warmed up to over the years.
Step 6: Have fun!
I am fully aware that this is a ridiculous holiday and a ridiculous premise. A meteorologist groundhog? Crazy! But, I don’t know about you, but life in your early twenties is tough for me. It’s constantly internships, jobs and post-graduation pressure. It’s the stress of roommate drama, significant other spectacles, classes, work and just lots of different pressures. So, if I want to take a day off to make pancakes and pot roast to celebrate a rodent emerging from a hole, that’s just what I’m going to do.
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