We can’t live without our smartphones and all of the apps they hold. These apps keep us entertained in any situation; whether it be killing time before class, waiting for the StagBus in town or getting that email saying class is cancelled. For those of you who aren’t sure if you’re getting the full “Fairfield app” experience, below is a compiled list of apps that are useful for both your week and weekend activities.
During the Week:
Quizlet – Quizlet is a free app that allows students to create their own flashcards and view others on a variety of topics. Freshman Jake Tamagni feels very strongly about Quizlet stating, “I use it for every class. I feel like it definitely brings up my grades.”
OrgSync – If you’ve belonged to any club or organization at Fairfield, you should definitely join their OrgSync page. OrgSync allows you to see clubs you are interested in joining while staying notified when a club changes their meeting time or you just want to keep tabs on members of the club. OrgSync is a highly interactive and easy way for a Fairfield student to become involved in extracurricular activities through the palm of their hand.
Blackboard – “Check Blackboard” is a phrase that every professor says at least twice a class. The Blackboard app allows you to keep up to date with your assignments wherever you are. You can be notified when a teacher updates your grades or posts an assignment. Freshman Sabrina Musto says, “I never feel like I’m behind when I use the Blackboard app. I always know when something is happening.”
LinkedIn – LinkedIn is a great tool for getting in touch with businesses in order to make connections for future jobs. You can create a profile that displays your job experiences, extracurriculars and skills. This app is useful for all undergraduates looking to network.
Gmail – Gmail is a simple yet, effective app that allows you to access your student email account. I never thought of downloading it until I went to class one day and no one was there. The teacher sent an email 10 minutes before class saying that class was cancelled. The Gmail app allows you to receive notifications whenever you get an email. Sophomore Kristin Garofalo finds this app valuable so she “always feel up to date with my classes.”
For the Weekend:
Bank of America – In my first semester at college, I’ve encountered so many people say that the “Bank of America” app is their lifeline. It helps them monitor their money when they aren’t spending StagBucks. The Bank America app allows you to control your spending.
Facebook – If you asked me two years ago if I would be using Facebook in 2016, I would say no; people my age dismissed Facebook as a social media network for the elderly. Now that I’m in college, I use it more than I ever have. The Facebook app allows you to see updates in any group you belong to, whether it be a class or club group.
Domino’s – It’s wonderful to have apps to help you get along in school, but sometimes Fairfield students need help to get through the weekends as well. Any Fairfield student can think of a weekend night when they just looked around at all their friends and said, “Let’s get cheesy bread.” With the Domino’s app, you can place your order, track it and get notified when the pizza delivery person is at your dorm.
Netflix – Netflix is synonymous with college students for procrastination. Anytime a Fairfield student has been late with an assignment, it’s because they have binged watched Netflix for hours and have told themselves, “Only one more episode.” While Netflix may not be advantageous for time management, I recommend this app for any students who need a study break so long as they can stop themselves after one episode.
Uber – For those who don’t know about Uber, it’s a free-download app that allows you to request a driver to bring you anywhere. How could any Fairfield underclassmen survive without Uber? Whether you want to go somewhere the StagBus doesn’t stop at or not even wait for the StagBus, Uber allows you to have transportation at your fingertips.
TransLoc Rider– This app allows riders to pick a bus or transportation route. Fairfield students are able to track the Stag Bus through this app, letting riders see where the bus is and be notified when the bus is approaching your stop.
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