Guys’ houses and girls’ houses. Whether you live at the beach or on campus, the differences are extreme, possibly almost as extreme as beer and orange juice. After four years of college, guys you need to clean your rooms. I understand that this may be your last time to be a bachelor, but you are gross.

Sometimes I think that all guys need are a few good girl friends who want a little compensation for their efforts.

Guys’ houses are nasty- at least the majority of those that I have been in. When you first meet a guy, or when there is a special occasion like Friday at the Traffic Baron, guys’ houses are immaculate. No dirty dishes, the rooms are all vacuumed, and the clothes are put away.

Once we, the female, get slightly comfortable as your friend or girlfriend, forget it. Regardless of the time of day, day of the week, you would think that there was a four-week kegger going on. It gets to the point where our domestic intuition couldn’t even help. If you don’t know how to clean, make life easy and buy paper, plastic, or Styrofoam.

Ever since freshman year, I have been petrified to open the doors to some of your houses. The hockey boys would always have their dank equipment lying around their rooms. All of my other guy friends just didn’t, and still don’t, know how to clean.

Guys, you take so much time to make yourself beautiful at the gym, shapen up your house a little bit so we will find your homes just as tempting as your bodies.

The countless hours you spend at the bar could be preceded by 20 minutes of cleaning your room so when I come back I wont trip and fall while climbing into your bed.

Girls seem to have this innate understanding that once you use a dish, clean it. Quite a simple and effective concept but boys don’t get it. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we take more time to get ready to go out and we want our houses to reflect us.

But I guess that’s just the difference between guys’ and girls’ houses. For the most part our house is in pristine shape. Walk into my house and you would think that we were the poster children for Ethan Allen. The dishes are put away, the floors are clean, the house is nicely decorated- excellent job girls.

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