In the past month, “Arena 100” has rapidly progressed and taken shape through the weeks. In September, a steel framework was put into place after the rubble from Alumni Hall was cleared out; this framework only spanned around a quarter of the surface area of where the arena will stand. Now, it spans around the entire surface area of the construction site.
Floors for the second and third levels have already been put in, and general foundations for seats seem to be already in place. Silver beams currently stand on top of the original steel foundation, which will likely serve as the support for the ceiling of the arena.
More cranes and other construction tools have popped up around the site, with the main crane still only slightly rotated in the center of the site. There also seems to be a gravel path adjacent to the side entrance of the Barone Campus Center, which allows for vehicles to enter and exit the construction area. As seen towards the left side of the picture, staircases have been installed, which will most likely be used for facilitation of movement around the site by the construction workers.
In an Instagram post by Fairfield University’s official account, three overhead photos were taken of the arena’s progress, with the caption reiterating the Fall 2022 completion time. In just a month, the construction crew has made an unbelievable amount of progress since The Mirror’s last progress update in September.
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