As a Jesuit university, faith on campus is a pivotal part of Fairfield’s atmosphere, and this is present in the devotion that many students have to attending Mass. Every Sunday night at 7:30 p.m., the Egan Chapel is packed with students. By the time Mass begins, there is usually standing room only. Because of this great turnout, Campus Ministry is considering adding a Saturday night service. The addition of another mass would be beneficial because it would encourage even more students to come to Mass and get involved in their faith and the community here on campus.

A Saturday night Mass would help spread out some of the crowd on Sunday nights, allowing more people to be able to find a seat during Mass, while also simultaneously drawing more people to attend. Many students are interested in attending Mass, but only offering Masses on Sundays may deter them. The Sunday night Mass is aimed toward the student body, with the lively Gracenotes choir and a Homily that is usually intended for an audience of college students. However, this Mass time can be difficult for students, many of whom are too tired by that point in the weekend to attend or have last-minute assignments that need to be finished before the new week begins. The addition of a Saturday vigil Mass would alleviate this problem, giving students multiple days to attend Mass if schedule conflicts prevent them from going on Sunday.

One complaint about the time of Mass on Sundays is that by the time it’s over, the Tully is closed, and the Stag isn’t open for much longer either. The only option left is the Levee, which is a bit of a walk and usually pretty crowded at that time of night. If students don’t want to deal with long lines, they have to eat fairly early in order to make it to Mass on time. A 4:00 p.m. Mass would be early enough that students would not be too tired, and they would have plenty of time to get dinner afterward. 

For many students, Saturday night Masses are not only more convenient, but they’re also more familiar. Sydney Lundt ‘28 agreed, “When I was at home that’s what I would go to, and it was so convenient.” The routine of going to Mass on Saturday nights would give students a sense of consistency, allowing them to continue the habits they practice at home. 

One obstacle that might hinder the addition of another Mass time would be the difficulty in finding music. The Gracenotes choir is part of what makes Sunday night Mass so special, but for them to perform two nights in a row might be challenging. However, there are plenty of Masses throughout the week that continue with the help of just one singer. Even if there was no music at all, the Mass would still be meaningful and worthwhile. 

As a Jesuit university, Fairfield should jump on this chance to encourage students to get involved with their faith. Attending Mass on Sundays with my friends is my favorite part of each week. I would love for as many of my classmates as possible to be able to experience the peace and comfort that comes with it. With the addition of a Saturday vigil Mass, even more students would be able to easily practice their faith and join the warm and welcoming community that exists at each Mass.

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