James D. Fitzpatrick, better known to many as “Mr. Fitz,” is one of Fairfield’s most beloved staff members, and he is retiring after 51 years of service. His impeccable story is heartwarming to all who...
Mikayla Rubin ‘21 is an infielder for the Fairfield University softball team, and is only one of four seniors on the roster. Joined by two graduate students, the group of six makes up the team’s...
Diving captain Caitlin Campbell ‘22 is just one of six divers on both the Fairfield University men’s and women’s swimming and diving programs, making her experience as a student-athlete all the more...
This week Steph Gallo, director of career planning for the College of Arts and Sciences, shared some insight and pieces of advice for students, in regard to virtual interviews and internships. Gallo knows how...
Seamus O’Brien ‘20 was a member of the Fairfield University men’s rowing team for the past four years. As a graduate from the Charles F. Dolan School of Business with a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in...
From a small town in Ethiopia to Fairfield, Connecticut, Binyam Tsegaye has traveled a long way to arrive at his position here as the Graduate Resident Coordinator who oversees Kostka and Claver Halls at...