Sydney Sweeney's debut into the horror genre with "Immaculate" is interesting, to say the least. The film follows Cecelia, played by Sweeney, as she joins an Italian convent. From the outset, the convent's...
There is something so exciting found within just the opening moments of Rose Glass’ sophomore effort, “Love Lies Bleeding.” An exterior long-take that subtly brings the audience into a world...
Who would have thought that eight years later the Dragon Warrior would be back for more? I know I certainly didn’t! Released on March 8, everyone’s favorite crime fighting and dumpling loving panda is...
Denis Villeneuve has done it again. Making its theater debut on March 1, “Dune: Part Two” not only gave audiences an exhilarating 2.5-hour-long performance but also set the tone for our upcoming...
This Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14th, marked the world premiere of the highly anticipated “Bob Marley: One Love” biopic. Following the life of the Jamaican singer-songwriter, the viewers watch as the...
Ahhhhh Valentine’s Day, a day some absolutely love and some absolutely hate. I’ve always been a Valentine's Day lover, I can’t lie. I love the thrill of seeing people in love or feeling extra love from...
A new year means new fun and entertainment! Here are some of the hottest new TV shows/movies to get into this year. Three TV Shows The Bear Scoring an impressive 99% on Rotten Tomatoes,...
Released on Dec. 15, Paul King’s “Wonka” offers a refreshing and whimsical take on the origins of everyone’s favorite Chocolatier, Willy Wonka. A beloved yet wacky character from most of our...
Winter’s chill invites the perfect excuse to savor the comfort of cozy movies. There’s something so magical about the combination of chilly weather outside and heartwarming films that create the perfect...
It’s gotten to that point: Our favorite childhood movies are being revived and reimagined for present-day audiences. Timothée Chalamet graced theater screens last month as the titular role in “Wonka”...