On a rainy Friday afternoon, a bleary-eyed trader is leaving the floor of the New York Stock Exchange with a freshly lit cigarette as another haggard looking man finds the nearest bench to sit and bury his...
After 83 years, a case of type 2 diabetes, and over fifteen thousand live performances, B.B. king still leaves no doubt that he is and will always be the king of the Blues. ' ' ' On what could be his final...
One man. Five steps. Five thousand lives saved. Dr. Peter Pronovost '87 was inspired by Cerel King, a' mother who lost her daughter in an emergency room visit, and came back to the same place five years...
After four years and somewhere upwards of $200,000, students will leave here with a single piece of paper granting them the title of Fairfield alumni. Unfortunately, for future and past graduates, the fact...
Name: Susan Barnes Year: 2010 Major: English Hometown: Bayside, NY Housing:Townhouse Favorite sports team: Yankees Last movie seen in a theater: 'Batman: The Dark Night' Last song on iPod: 'Viva la Vida' by Coldplay If you could be an animal, what would it be?: Zebra Favorite food: Mexican
Unsanitary. Broken. Ineffective. These are the words the FUSA Senate used to describe the weight room in its proposal to Dean of Students Tom Pellegrino concerning possible renovations for the Recreation Complex. The Rec Plex, especially the weight room in the lower level, has been an area of concern for students who use it frequently, due to its unkempt state and run-down equipment.
After enduring an Off-Campus Boarder lottery, forced triples for freshman, juniors living in Claver and a failed plan for garden apartments all in the past year, students finally got their chance to speak up at an open forum with four administrators who are involved with student housing. Upwards of 200 students came out to fire questions at Vice President for Administrative Services and Director of Student Affairs Mark Reed, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students Tom Pellegrino, Director of Residence Life Deborah Cady and Associate Director of Residence Life Jason Downer concerning the increasing student woes over housing.
NEWS Sustainable Equity for Women Kiva.org is a micro lending service for women in the work place. Read more in Thursday's print edition. COMMENTARY Jail n' Bail Read one writer opinion on the successful Public Safety fundraiser. COFFEE BREAK The last He Said, She Said of the year Love or leave it, read the end of the Dan Stanczyk era.
In the first Senate meeting of the 45th FUSA Senate and the final FUSA senate meeting of the year, the organization passed three new resolutions, wrapped up several large issues that have been covered over the course of the year and introduced the new members to the various Senate process and policies.
Shawne Lomauro '11 thought she had everything she needed to win the Mr. Fairfield competition, and decided she was going to represent Gonzaga Hall in the event. But Lomauro did not realize that a Y chromosome was necessary for all contestants. Mr. Fairfield is a competition in which male students, one from each dorm on campus, compete against one another in several categories. Competitors are judged on how they look in swimwear and formal wear, how well they display a talent and how they perform in a brief question and answer period.