Dear Dee,

I’m a junior at Fairfield and it seems like I don’t meet new people when I go out anymore. I don’t have a boyfriend, which is okay, but I feel like I can’t meet anyone anyway, even if I wanted to.

Any tips?

— In a Rut

Dear In a Rut,

Finding the right person is never easy. Finding the right person in college is even harder. Most guys our age don’t want to settle down, (let alone grow up), but this doesn’t mean that there aren’t those great boys who are different than the rest.

A wise person once told me to go where I want to go, do what I find fun, and if I happen to meet someone while I’m out enjoying myself, that’s even better (I mean who wouldn’t love to meet a guy who actually wanted to go see ‘Dear John’). If you meet someone while you’re doing what you love to do, chances are that he loves doing those same things, making it one of the many things you guys may have in common.

At Fairfield, we are pretty lucky because we have many different places to go out not only on campus, but off campus as well. Try mixing up your party scenes. If you usually go to the townhouses, try going to the beach. I guarantee that the more you put yourself out there, the sooner you’ll find that hunk at just the right time (and when you least expect it).

Disclaimer: This column is for entertainment only. The author is a student, not a licensed therapist, and this column is not intended to take the place of professional advice. The views expressed are the author’s and are not necessarily shared by The Mirror or its staff.

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