Fairfield University Best Buddies, a non-profit organization on campus that provides one-to-one friendships for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD), is hosting their first ever campus-held friendship walk this Sunday, April 28 at Lessing Field. 

In years prior, the nearest Friendship Walk that took place was in Hartford, CT, posing location challenges for buddies as out of the “over 2500 participants in Best Buddies across the state, 1400 of them are from Fairfield County, specifically,” Caroline Sweeny ‘24, President of Fairfield University Best Buddies highlighted.  

“We noticed that these 1400 people were not really going to the Hartford walk. Part of the issue was that Fairfield is over an hour and a half [away].” 

Introducing a Best Buddies walk right here in Fairfield has been a significant initiative for Sweeny during her presidency, requiring extensive planning. 

“The community is getting really excited about [the walk] as well.” 

Fairfield Mom’s Network and In A Fairfield Minute have both featured articles on the upcoming event, enhancing its visibility and showcasing the organization’s local impact.  

The walk will feature various activities, including a live DJ, visits from the Fairfield University therapy dog, snacks donated from the local Stop and Shop, activity tables hosted by other nearby Best Buddies chapters and basketball games led by the men’s basketball team.

“The whole purpose of the day is to celebrate friendship and inclusion and just to give everyone an opportunity to have access to this event.”

More information about the walk in addition to other Best Buddies initiatives can be found HERE.

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