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Guitar Hero spawns a revolution

It's hard to believe that in November 2006 I was silently chuckling to myself when a friend of mine told me that he spent $90 on what I dismissed as a 'Fisher-Price toy guitar.' I was mistaken, for the Guitar...
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Editorial: A prime time for discussion

In evaluating the current crime reports for on campus offenses, one can see that the number of reported incidents of larceny and underage drinking has increased. However, if you asked any student on campus if...
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Jesuit Roundup

Boston College Boston College starts $1.5 billion capital improvement plan To celebrate its 150th anniversary, Boston College has set out to raise $1.5 billion to improve its campus and academics. The...
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Campus Crime Beat 10/16

Tuesday, October 7 1:27 a.m. There was vandalism reported in the townhouses. An individual smashed a rock through a townhouse window. The on-duty carpenter and Pritchard employee were called for clean up and...
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Work for free and get paid:

When Nadine Hovnanian '09 is looking for a full-time job, a top criterion in her search is whether the company works toward bettering the global community. Like Hovnanian, many of today's college graduates...
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News Briefs 10/16

Fairfield Fairfield students to host Congressional debate In preparation of an election race for a spot in the U.S. House of Representatives between Republican' Congressman Christopher Shays and Democrat...
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Cicirelli: “I’m a homo… Homo Sapien”

Editor's Note: Some of the language in the first paragraph may be considered offensive. Three large boys pulled a smaller boy into a dark corner of an Ohio high school. 'You stupid fucking fag, you're gonna...
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Bad boys, bad boys:

It's Friday night, you have a red cup in your hand and your standards are gradually lowering as you dive head first into the night with a little pre-gaming in your room. Just when it seems like your night is...