
5:06 p.m.

An incident of harassment was reported. A No Contact Order was issued and the case was referred to the Title IX director. 



9:58 a.m.

A delivery truck accidentally struck the checkpoint near the North Benson Road entrance. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the operator of the vehicle had a previous warrant out and was arrested by the Fairfield Police Department.



1:08 a.m.

A vehicle on campus was observed operating erratically. The vehicle was stopped, but the driver refused to produce identification. A Criminal Trespass Warning was issued and the vehicle and vehicle operator were escorted off of campus.



12:42 a.m.

 A student was found in possession of narcotics; they were referred to student conduct.


1:26 a.m.

There was a report of a student taunting other students outside of Loyola Hall. The individual was identified and referred to student conduct. 


About The Author

-- Junior I English --

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