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Online Only: The Frank Factor

Hello students and faculty of Fairfield University, young and old, big and small, my name as you may have already guessed is Frank. I am a commuting undergraduate engineering member of the student body. (Phew! What a mouthful!) Basically I'm here to dish the campus dirt and make sure you get a weekly dose of entertainment to sift you through another week of the same-old-same-old.
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The Frank Factor

Hello students and faculty of Fairfield University. My name is Frank. I'm here to make sure you get a dose of entertainment to sift you through another week of the same-old-same-old. I'll talk about other pressing issues including how to get the attention of that girl in Western Civilization class, how to make great first impressions with the elderly, or how to keep a sense of peace with your roommate who throws all their stuff on your side of the room.