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Should student-athletes get paid?

Fairfield University recently hosted the opening round of the NIT basketball tournament, taking on powerhouse Boston College, and attracting record setting 6,500 plus in attendance. None of the players on the men's basketball team received any of the tens of thousands of dollars generated by the event.
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Hockey and football players plan future

Finding another school was the easy part for some football and hockey players who suddenly can't play for Fairfield any more. Now comes the hard part: ending the emotional attachment to Fairfield and their friends here. "It as certainly been a struggle for players to find a new school," said Pat Nugent, former assistant hockey coach.
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Juan Valdez: not as well-off as we think?

The most outspoken band these days is Coldplay and it is not protesting the war in Iraq, but unfair trade practices instead. If you saw lead singer Chris Martin at the Grammy Awards, you might have noticed that he has what seems to be a tattoo on his hand.
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Journalist speaks at Open Visions

When former CBS newsman Marvin Kalb agreed to talk at the Open Visions Forum at Fairfield University over a year ago, he planned to write a speech about his views on politics and his life as a journalist. Little did he know that one year later and just five days after the war in Iraq broke out, he would be speaking to a sold-out audience about his views on this war.
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History professor takes on O’Reilly

One of Fairfield University's own was once again featured on the popular Fox News show "The O'Reilly Factor" on March 19. Dr. David McFadden, the Chair of the history department, was one of O'Reilly's guests. "The faculty received an open call for anyone willing to talk about the impending war about two weeks ago.