Library Loses Books At High Cost Meghan Schelzi March 30, 2010 2,583 books were lost in the damage done to the library by the recent Nor’easter. It will cost at least $88,519.41 to replace them.
Health Center Hones in on Changes in Hours Meghan Schelzi February 24, 2010 The University’s decision to end the round-the-clock care at the Health Center has sparked student complaints across campus and provided a visible issue for the candidates running for FUSA president.
Q &A: Library Adds Skype to Reach Students Meghan Schelzi February 10, 2010 Fairfield University DiMenna-Nyselius Librarian Curtis Ferree discusses new library technologies, designed to reach students at Fairfield and abroad.
Comic Book Boy Begins Comic Book Class Meghan Schelzi January 27, 2010 Michael Fischetti '10 is creating a comic book literature class as his independent study.
In the Know: World News Briefs Meghan Schelzi January 20, 2010 The transition between 2009 and 2010 brought with it many notable events throughout the world, in politics and entertainment.
Posing with Chandler Oliphant Meghan Schelzi December 2, 2009 The Mirror sat down with Chandler Oliphant '12 to discuss the upcoming fashion show.
When I Was 20: Crissy Bowen Meghan Schelzi October 27, 2009 Learn about when Crissy Bowen, campus minister, was 20.
Sorry, Your Credit Card has been Denied Meghan Schelzi October 27, 2009 As the cost of college tuition rises, students are putting more educational expenses on their credit cards, pushing their debt to record levels.
Fairfield Alum Brings Creative “Green” Project to University Meghan Schelzi October 21, 2009 Fairfield joins national organization's mission to inspire the world to rise to the challenge of the climate crisis through the 350 project.
What’s the status of the Amethyst Initiative? Meghan Schelzi September 30, 2009 Discussions of Amethyst Initiative have slowed since last July.