#GrammysSoMale? Yes, and so is the rest of the entertainment industry and most areas of life. Even so, it does not lessen the fact that the 60th Annual Grammy Awards on Jan. 28 favored male musicians. Except...
Following the creation and subsequent social media phenomenon of the “Tide Pod Challenge” in December 2017, it now appears to be necessary to remind teenagers and young adults that consuming laundry...
After The Washington Post reported that President Donald Trump used highly controversial and racially charged language while surrounded by lawmakers in the Oval Office on Jan. 11, many around the world...
“Star Trek: Discovery” actor Anthony Rapp’s public accusation on Oct. 29 that Kevin Spacey made unwanted sexual advances on him when the former was 14 years old follows a growing trend of actors speaking...
Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of democracy and is one of the many benefits of living in our free nation. Often, taking advantage of the rights that we are afforded, we misunderstand or misrepresent...
Freedom of speech and the right to express one’s opinion is a right in the United States that many people take for granted. When we log onto our preferred social media platform, there is usually at least one...
When Fairfield announced that there would be a search for the University’s next president, speculation began as to whether the president would be a Jesuit or layperson. The question was answered on April 25...
We live in a time when what we choose to post on social media can be instantaneous, while being easily deleted five minutes later if we decide that we no longer like it. However, what many people, particularly...
It is as good a time as any to pull out your Sharpie and mark your calendar: I am in agreement with a sentiment expressed by President Donald Trump. On May 31, the president took to Twitter to respond to the...
Literature, history and politics are at the forefront of British culture, yet cafés are also a significant cultural aspect that one has to take into account if he or she chooses to study abroad or live in...