We're a week into September and so far summer has not shown any signs of slowing down. Summer weather means relaxed vibes – for the average fan of popular music, today's country artists are the essential...
2014 is yet another prime year to be in a metalcore band. Decide on your name, make sure you have an image, record a few songs and watch the fans flock to you. What about a complex, carefully crafted and...
An notorious trope of the music industry is the band that decides to radically alter their sound. These kinds of decisions often leave fans polarized, scratching their heads, and yearning for a return to form....
During the final moments of Dads’ 2013 EP “Pretty Good,” drummer/vocalist John Bradley wistfully sings “Steady nights of sleeping / Oh how I've missed those.” This line perfectly describes the...
'Between Bodies' is The World is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die's second album, released Oct. 3, 2014. This past February, I had the extreme pleasure of catching The World is a...
Mike Hadreas, the Seattle-based artist who performs under the moniker Perfume Genius, has had a relatively short musical career. His previous two albums, “Learning” and “Put Your Back N 2 It,” are...
Opeth has frequently been hailed as a staple of the metal genre, with a wildly successful career spanning 25 years and 11 studio albums. On their previous records, the Swedish band fronted by...
I still get chills when I think about my first experience of the bands Into It. Over It., The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die and A Great Big Pile of Leaves on Feb. 23. These three bands are some of the leaders of an emo-rock revival that has grown rapidly in the past several years.
Last November, I decided to validate my friends calling me a hipster by collecting vinyl records. My love of music is simply too great to be limited to my iTunes library or Spotify playlists. In anticipation of buying a record player, I quickly ordered several of my favorite albums. When Touche Amore's “Is Survived By” was delivered, I excitedly opened it in my dorm.
Storytelling is an intrinsic aspect of human nature; whether it’s from grandpa before bedtime, a flickering television screen or your favorite novel, stories are entertaining, enlightening and thought-provoking. Yet, the album is overlooked as a medium of storytelling.