“Bachelor in Paradise” is a spin-off of the two iconic ABC shows “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette.” “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette” are reality television shows on ABC that follow the relationships of 24 contestants as they compete for one prize: the love of their life. “Bachelor in Paradise” consists of previous contestants from both shows being placed in an isolated environment for all to explore their options for love. This season of “Bachelor in Paradise” has been the most shocking thus far. From the sexual misconduct scandal to Jorge leaving the show, there has been a surprise around every palm tree.
However, on Monday, Sept. 11 at 8 p.m. during the season finale, there was a proposal in Paradise. Taylor Nolan and Derek Peth plan on officially tying the knot on their relationship and being together forever. Despite the ups and downs of this year’s season — that almost didn’t happen — love still triumphed at the end. Each contestant was sent home suddenly after conflict arose between Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson on the first night in Paradise. In June, production on season four was temporarily suspended after two show producers voiced their concerns after a sexual encounter between Olympios and Jackson was caught on camera, according to the New York Times. The scandal brought much unwanted attention to the show and depended on the testimonies of the current contestants to agree to bring the show back. After much deliberation and investigation, the show finally came back to be aired and has produced yet another happy ending.
Derek and Taylor aren’t the only ones who found their happily ever after. Raven Gates, from season 21 with Nick Viall, and Adam Gottschalk, from season thirteen of “The Bachelorette,” with Rachel Lindsay, seem to be taking their relationship to the next level. During the finale of “Bachelor in Paradise,” Gates surprised Gottschalk when he met her parents on live television. He embraced the surprise and the cameras caught Gottschalk giving Gates’ father a big hug. After all the turmoil of this past season, the biggest attention-grabber by far was Dean Unglert. This season 13 favorite had two different girls under his spell. Both Kristina Schulman and Danielle Lombard (or DLo among her fellow cast members) believed Unglert loved them, when in actuality, Unglert didn’t know who he loved more. Unglert stated that Schulman was the “safe” choice and Lombard was the “fun” one. He later stirred up some major heart-breakage when Schulman found him kissing Lombard in the pool after confessing to Kristina he had feelings for her. Schulman decided to leave Paradise after this incident and continued to resent Unglery until the finale, when he announced he officially loved Schulman. Schulman had a moment of self-conflict until Lombard chimed in and put Unglert to shame by telling us all about his confession of love for her just a few days prior to the airing of the final rose. Lombard even stated that they had continued their relationship after the show and that this was the first time Lombard was hearing Unglert speak like this.
As the years go by on “The Bachelor,” “The Bachelorette” and “Bachelor in Paradise,” real connections are made. Whether they found “the one” or not, each contestant found friendship in their fellow cast members. The friendships made are special in the sense that no one else has had an experience quite like this; they connect on a higher level of understanding and compassion. The show may be conceived as “fake” or “ridiculous” but real people are putting themselves in the line of fire for criticism and putting themselves out there for love with the possibility of getting their heartbreak broadcasted for the whole nation to watch. This finale of “Bachelor in Paradise” will be one to remember and hopefully they will come back for another season.
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