New Year New TV Recommendations

The new year is about new beginnings, habits and entertainment! The TV industry is constantly changing, with run times ranging from thirty minutes to an hour and a half for one episode. Streaming services...

Why Halloweekend Is A Scarily Good Time

After my first Fairfield University Halloweekend during my freshman year, I told my friends that it was my favorite weekend of the year. Four years later, I still make this claim as a senior. There is...

Red Stack Direct: Worthless or Worthwhile?

Acquiring textbooks has long been the great bane of many college students. They are almost universally expensive, often difficult to find, and frequently quite unwieldy. But have no fear, Stags! Red Stack...

Soaring Over Stag Country

In my last two years here at Fairfield, I’ve seen over 40 bird species, ranging from the mallards in the pond to a beautiful bald eagle soaring over Dolan, and of course, the turkeys, which I can confirm...