How Art Can Help Your Mental Health

This semester has, more likely than not, been exceptionally challenging for many students. First-year students who would normally be relishing in their first taste of freedom away from home now find themselves...

The Met Still Marvels 150 Years Later

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is as American of an institution as the White House, the Senate or Faneuil Hall. This year is a special one in particular for the Met, as 150 years ago today they opened their...

Ruby Sky Sparkles at the Walsh

When I was little I considered myself to be a celebrated female artist. Drawings of small, misshapen horses with suns in the corner were often hung on the side of the refrigerator, borderline pressed against...

Art Corner: Olivia Burke ’22

Cubist Portrait based on Picasso’s “Head of a Woman”, made using photographs of Luka’s face and photos of clothing found online, with added color and brush strokes Frames of an animation of...

The Arts at Fairfield are Alive and Well

There’s this feeling when sitting in a theatre with a performance just about to begin. The lights dim, the loud chattering lessens until all that’s left is that slight hum of silence as it bounces across...

Art During Times Like These

Sometimes art truly tells a story. You stand in one of those big, white galleries, in front of a piece you don’t fully understand, and feel as if it’s speaking directly to you. Like that scene in “Ferris...