Although we are supposedly in the most wonderful time of the year, approaching final exams puts a huge damper on the holiday spirit. After spending days in the library, hardly retaining any information while you study, morale is low and no one is more like us during this stressful time than the one who stole Christmas.

Having to re-read your entire marketing textbook. Also, kicking yourself for not keeping up with the notes all semester.

When you realize that your study space in the library is mostly littered with snack wrappers. Oh, there’s my English book, hidden under a pile of Chex Mix bags and empty Starbucks cups.

The moment of intense relief when your professor changes the due date of your final paper to be a week later. More time to procrastinate.

Even your roommates see how stressed you are and attempt to lure you out of the library to get coffee.

When it’s 20 minutes before your exam and you come to the conclusion that you don’t know anything. Would your professor really notice if you just didn’t take it?

All of your pent up stress and frustration causes you to have your first of many breakdowns. There are no open seats in the library, your laptop crashed without saving your final history paper and so you become temporarily destructive.

The group that you’re working on a project with are trying to meet approximately four weeks before it is due. All you’re trying to do is continue procrastinating.

Having to wake up for a Saturday 8 a.m. exam. That should honestly be illegal.

The people working at Dunkin’ Donuts know your order and name before you can even tell them. Probably due to the fact that you were there six times in the past two days.

When you walk out of your last exam. There is no better feeling than being done for the semester, heading home for the holidays and a month-long break from schoolwork.

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