David Downie, Director of the Environmental Studies Program, believes students should look actively—on their own—for environmental internships.
In town government, private businesses, and corporations, Downie says, “there are more ideas out there than . . . there are person hours.” Citizens in Fairfield want to create a town farm, work on bicycling, clean up beaches, improve community gardens, improve energy efficiency, hold public events, and reduce cars and buses from idling near schools. The Town of Fairfield recently got a million-dollar federal grant to develop energy efficiency. There is a surprising amount of activity.
Don’t wait for internships to come to you! Follow your own ideas. Visit Town Hall. Contact local groups and businesses. Seek out the Student Environmental Association and Green Campus Initiative on campus. Most programs and departments give course credit for internships—among them Biology, English, Sociology, and of course, Environmental Studies.
Environmental internships: good for your future, good for the planet.
Read the entire interview with David Downie on “The Reluctant Environmentalist” blog.
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