When we were young, Halloween was a time to partake in some extra sweet treats, hang out with our friends past the typical bed-time hour and possibly even go out on a school night.

Now, Halloween is upon us and it’s time to get real…real slutty. Yes, Halloween is the only time when we Fairfield ladies have a chance to really let our hair down and have an excuse to wear something a little more provocative than our favorite cardigans.

All you Conservative Kati’s out there, take this opportunity to show your sexy side and maybe catch the eye of that special someone that may usually only see you in your Monday 9:30 a.m. class gear.

Fairfield men, up to this point we’ve pretty much let most of you get away with the goofy, funny costume thing, where you try to be some Will Ferrell-type, a “boob inspector,” or perhaps an ’80s redneck.


This year, I’d like to see the Fairfield guys show some skin! Maybe there are a couple future Chippendale-worthy studs upon us that we never even knew about. Strut your stuff boys!

Regardless of what you plan on wearing, for many of you, you probably already have a reasonable idea where you’re headed this weekend. Bar, townhouse, beach house, whatever…just keep in mind that if you end up sleeping somewhere other than your home, the Halloween walk of shame is more brutal than most.

You really can’t even try to pretend that you chose to be walking around in your Halloween costume, with smudged face paint everywhere, early Sunday morning.

Map out a back route home from the Point now because if I catch you walking down Reef Road with a witch’s hat on Sunday morning, I’m pretty much never going to let you forget about it.

Another little piece of Halloween advice: perhaps some of you remember Halloween last year when Gilly and I were Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding. Although these were quite possibly the best costumes in the townhouse region last year, they came with many battle wounds and very sore legs after wearing rollerblades all night and even waking up in them the next day. I encourage anyone that plans on wearing rollerblades all night to invest in some protective gear and find a somewhat-sober friend to remove your rollerblades at the end of the evening.

Seniors, let’s take advantage of our last year to really have a crazy Halloween because in a few years the excitement of our Halloweens will consist of creating tacky scenes on our front yards to entertain the neighborhood children, and going to old people parties and maybe having a couple of hard ciders.

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