It is evident that the person who coined the term “What happens in Mexico stays in Mexico” never went to Mexico with seventeen fellow FUers. After a week that can be remembered only through pictures and negative bank accounts, the following is a list of pros and cons to partaking in this college students “American Dream”.

Pro #1: The majority of people west of Chicago, and south of Georgia, have never heard of Fairfield University. Therefore, when you entered that wet t-shirt contest with your “FU Stags” t-shirt and thousands of people wondered where “Foo University” was, you felt even more inclined to continue the idiosyncrasy; “Yes, FU is short for Fudan University, it’s in Shangai”.

Con #1: Money on spring break flows more freely than alcohol. Unfortunately, after a bar bill that exceeded the initial cost of the trip, all you have to show is a headache, and blackmail pictures of you swimming with your life jacket on, screaming “ICEBERG RIGHT AHEAD”, while cruising through the Pacific Ocean.

Pro #2: Mexico is the only place where you can purchase band-aids, Cuban Cigars, sunscreen, and Oxycotons, all in one kiosk. Therefore, when someone in your party became injured, all you needed was a few nursing majors, three thousand pesos, a camera, and some sun. Talk about maximum healthcare.

Con #2: No matter where you went for spring break, you met at least one parent or friend of someone who goes to Fairfield. As if this wasn’t bad enough, you attempted to have a discussion with them on the exceptional education provided at this University, and how the spring break party scene really isn’t your thing; then you proceeded to take part in a whipped cream bikini contest.

Pro #3: Despite the fact that there are high schools bigger than this University, on spring break we feel the need to be loud and prove to the world that it is not the size of the school, but the pitch of our voices, that demonstrates school spirit. My question is this: why were we so excited to disseminate Fairfield pride outside of Connecticut, but can’t seem to get ourselves to more than one sporting event in four years?

Con #3: You saw at least one Fairfield student on spring break who felt the need to approach you and say “Hey, you go to Fairfield, right?!” Listen, if I didn’t talk to you in Connecticut prior to Match 11, 2006, what makes you think three Coronas and Mexican sand is going to change this?; “No, I go to Fudan University, it’s in Shangai”.

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