
2:21 p.m.

A narcotics possession, including paraphernalia, was discovered in Loyola Hall. The student was referred to student conduct. 



9:30 a.m.

Two female students were at the Campion Hall basketball courts when they reported that a suspicious individual approached them. The individual was issued a Criminal Trespass Warning, banning them from campus.  


11:37 a.m.

A complaint was received that the lantern from the statue of Mary outside of the Dimenna-Nyselius Library had been stolen. The lantern was recovered when the individual responsible was later identified and referred to student conduct.  



12:50 a.m. 

A student in possession of narcotics was located in one of the academic tents and referred to student conduct. 


1:45 a.m. 

It was discovered during a routine check that a non-student in the area around Dolan Hall had received a Criminal Trespass Warning in 2019, and was therefore in violation of the warning by being on campus. The individual was taken into custodial arrest by the Fairfield Police Department. 


About The Author

-- Junior I English --

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