Fairfield University alumnus John Flannery ‘87 is taking over as General Electric’s chief executive on August 1, reported by a June 12 article of the Boston Globe. Flannery is taking over for GE’s current chief executive, Jeffrey R. Immelt.

Dean of the Dolan School of Business Donald Gibson said that he was “very pleased” by the announcement.

“This is a wonderful reflection of the increasing accomplishments of our graduates to have the CEO position of this world-class firm,” said Gibson.

According to the Boston Globe, Flannery joined GE Capital in 1987 after graduating from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

GE states that Flannery worked in the company’s corporate restructuring and workout group in the 1990s. He took over GE’s equity business in Latin America in 1997.

Flannery, says the Boston Globe, was named president and chief executive of GE Equity in 2002.

The Boston Globe goes on to describe how Flannery headed GE Capital’s Asia Pacific operations in 2005 and by 2009 he was in charge of GE’s business in India. Flannery led business development at GE in 2013, and  was named chief executive of GE healthcare in 2014.

Gibson stated that the announcement of Flannery’s promotion is indicative of a larger trend at Fairfield.

“With a University that is relatively young, at 75, it can take a while for alumni to achieve high level positions in large companies. This is strong recognition that our graduates are achieving at a level commensurate with this kind of business leadership.”

Gibson continued, “We have at least one other alumnus in a high level position at GE, Patricia Glassford, VP and CFO, GE Enterprise Solutions. We have graduates in high level positions in several large firms, including Goldman Sachs, EY, JP Morgan, and others.”

Flannery was quoted by the Globe as saying the announcement of his promotion was “the greatest honor of [his] career.”

Flannery continued, “In the next few months, my focus will be on listening to investors, customers and employees to determine the next steps for GE.”

“The Dolan School and Fairfield University are producing graduates who can compete with talent from any school in achieving top-level positions in business at major companies,” said Gibson.

Senior Heather DiLorenzo reflected on Flannery’s new appointment, explaining that “as a business student looking to work in the finance field, it is truly inspiring to see a Fairfield alum in this position. It goes to show that graduating from Fairfield University provides us with unlimited opportunities. We are so lucky to have alumni like Flannery in such high profile positions to look up to.”

Junior Alex Zeko agreed with DiLorenzo’s sentiments.  “Seeing Fairfield alumni filling such impressive positions in the business world speaks to the quality of education and opportunity that the Dolan School of Business provides its students.”

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