On Wednesday, March 30, the Fairfield University Student Association senators discussed two of their upcoming senate events at their bi-weekly meeting.
On Wednesday, April 6, Senate Serve Night will be held in Barone Dining Hall. FUSA Senators will work with Sodexo’s marketing team to serve a free dinner from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. Senators will also be available for questions. They will also have a table set up in the front of the dining hall with a box for feedback.
FUSA additionally has their Thank You event coming up on Wednesday, April 27. The purpose of the event, which will be held in the Lower Level Barone Campus Center, is to thank the staff members of ABM, Sodexo and Follett. The event will be from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Along with giving staff members gift bags with apparel, water, lotion and FUSA gear, FUSA is also bringing baked goods to the event and will have a banner for students to sign as they walk by to thank the staff for all they do. FUSA members will also create cards for staff members. FUSA is additionally putting together a thank you video to play during the event.
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