2023 Nursing Students Begin Clinical Hours

This past week marked the beginning of the Class of 2023 nursing students’ clinical experience with the Marion Peckham Egan School of Nursing and Health Studies. Fairfield University’s Egan School of...

College Drinking Decreased During Pandemic

COVID-19 has drastically altered the drinking habits of college students, creating an apparent decrease in alcohol intake among college students, according to a recent article published by Verywell Family. The...

Attendance Drops for Virtual Events

I set out to write an article for The Mirror on an event called “Looking Ahead: The Future of the Republican Party” on Jan. 27,  planning to write a two-part series about the political spectrum after the...

Weekly Testing Now Required on Campus

As students have transitioned back to campus for the start of the Spring 2021 semester, Fairfield University has continued to implement new and continuously changing COVID-19 policies. The University will now...