A Spoiler-Free Review of “Endgame”

“Avengers: Endgame” is directed by Anthony and Joe Russo and serves as the direct sequel to 2018’s “Avengers: Infinity War” and the final installment in the current arch of the Marvel Cinematic...

Marvel Movies to See Before ‘Endgame’

“Avengers: Endgame,” the final chapter of 11 years and 22 movies of storytelling from Marvel Studios, will be released this Friday, April 26. The film, with a massive 181 minute runtime, is expected to...

In Memory of Stan Lee: The Superhero in All of Us

It wasn’t until late afternoon on Nov. 12, after what had already been a bad day, that I found out Stan Lee had died hours before. To say I was upset is an understatement. Stan Lee was born and raised in...

“I’m Not What You Think I Am”

Marvel vs. DC Comics. Avengers vs. the Justice League. Iron Man vs. Batman. For years, Marvel had undoubtedly come out on top in terms of all things superhero films, until summer 2017 when it was DC that came...

Diversity in Marvel Reflects the Real World

It seems impossible to go a day now without reading the word “diversity” in a headline and when we do, there is typically a negative perspective that succeeds it. The media frenzy and internet buzz...

The Hero America Deserves

Make way Captain Marvel and Spider-Gwen, Marvel has issued a new female-led comic series that is blowing superhero stereotypes out of the water: Miss America. First introduced in 1944, Miss America was...