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It has been a year Since I’d last come by And now I’m kneeling here, Telling you unmindful lies. As my knees seep into the soil, Damp with morning dew, I am finally one with the...
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The True Taste of St. Patrick’s Day

A comically cynical man with an Irish brogue artfully pauses as the Guinness settles into the pint glass. 119 seconds. That’s how long we must wait for a perfectly poured pint of Irish pride. I’d never...
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Swearing: It’s Time to ‘Forget You’

“The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” – Walter Bagehot Ask most people what constitutes a swear, and you will get a pretty standard list of words, with maybe one or two...
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The Kairos Mystique

This past weekend, while most of us enjoyed a momentary break from the constant drudgery of papers and midterms, the returning members and soon to be neophytes of Kairos took their annual retreat to find...
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Living Christian, Not Just During Lent

If parents did their job well, it would make sense that children would continue the traditions and practices of their parents, without having a strong desire to rebel. Yet a better indication of successful...
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New Website Has Red Sea Thinking Green

Normally when green and red are together, people know the Christmas season is upon them. But now when people around Fairfield see red and green, they may start thinking about the environment, thanks to a...