As our great nation reaches a pivotal point and the mid-term elections loom near, elections that could decide the direction of our country, a new group has emerged in the political sphere.  The Tea Party, a nationwide collective of concerned patriots, have emerged onto the political scene. These Tea Partiers are largely unhappy with politics as usual and are tired of bureaucrats that ignore the will of the people and have strayed from the guiding document that our great country was founded upon, the United States Constitution.

The name Tea Party comes from the 1773 incident when frustrated colonists threw English tea into the Boston Harbor because they were being taxed without representation.  The Tea Party that we know today emerged in 2009 with a number of small but coordinated protests across the country, and since then, Tea-Partiers have adopted the Gadsden, or “Don’t Tread on Me” flag as one of their unofficial symbols.

Concerned citizens from all fifty states have begun to unite under the motto of “Don’t Tread on Me” as they see the radical agenda that President Obama and his political cronies have been attempting to implement, and these concerned Americans are not amused.  Expanding government, nationalized healthcare and taxes, and having a complete disregard for the will of the people of the United States has left ordinary citizens upset and ready to return to the time when politicians followed the words of our Constitution and listened to the wants and needs of the people.

Many members of the Obama administration, the media, such as anchors on MSNBC like Keith Olbermann, and radical left-wing groups, such as Media Matters, have attempted to paint the Tea Party as a racist and illegitimate movement that is, as our President so eloquently put it, “cling(ing) to their guns and religion.”

The radical and hypocritical members of the Democratic Party who chastise the Tea Partiers for protesting are the same people who so brutally and viciously attacked President George W. Bush for every decision he made.  Even now, they continue to place blame on President Bush for the country’s problems.  Isn’t it the Democrats who always say that dissent is patriotic? Apparently they (the Democrats) only agree with dissent when it conforms to their radical anti-constitutional agenda.

I ask each of you, are you truly happy with the direction that this nation is going? For those who choose to follow the laws established for us by our founding fathers, you cannot be silent. You cannot allow your representatives to ignore the laws that have governed this nation for so long. It is time to stand up and ask you Senators, your Representatives, and your elected officials, “Are you following the Constitution? Do you have the best interests of this nation at heart?”

If you wish to defend the principles that this nation was founded upon and do not ever wish to see the greatest nation in the world brought to its knees by a radical left wing agenda, perhaps you truly are a Tea Party Patriot.

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