Those who dropped off the ‘Lost’ bandwagon early on acknowledge the show as one that is all questions and no answers. The beginning of season five was written to move away from asking a multitude of questions and has presented the show’s fans with a true adventure that merges fantasy and reality all while beginning to answer some of its most crucial mysteries. Unfortunately, such conclusions were delivered in a sub-par fashion, disappointing many of the show’s dedicated fans.

Leave it to producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof to twist the plot of ‘Lost’ in ways few could predict. They not only forwarded the ‘present’ time line of the show three years forward, but those left on the island before it was moved have found themselves on an uncontrollable roller coaster ride through various moments in time.’
One would’ve expected that they’d jump forward or backwards in time, but this interesting take on the island’s movement will serve as a clever plot device for telling the obscure history behind the magical slab of land.

While the story is as interesting as ever and the fight scenes were well choreographed, the script just wasn’t as sharp as it could’ve been. Side stories like that of Sayid and Hurley’s escape from the hunters of an unknown organization were full of clichés.

The idea of running from the police, slipping into a small store to grab a change of clothes and having the cashier somewhat recognize the guilty character while a muted television in the background displays the news talking about the crimes of that character has been done in movies far too much.

Hurley has always been the comic relief of the series, but he received far too much screen time in the span of the two premiere episodes. He wasted several minutes of prime viewing time reiterating the events of the show to his mother, starting with season one. Sure, his admittance of covering up the truth behind his experiences on the Island develops his character slightly, but the series was truncated with the Writers’ Strike last year.’ There is no time for useless details when there are dozens of mysteries that have yet to be explained.

‘Lost’ is near guaranteed to take its viewers on a wild trip, surprising them with each episode. However, just because the show’s conclusion is looming two seasons around the corner is no excuse for the writing and fluidity of the show to suffer. The presence of clichés found within a dull script is strong enough to detract from the wonderful,’ albeit bloody, story the premiere presented. Thankfully it is only the birth of the season, and we will be wowed by the episodes to come.

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