Starbucks offers a plethora of high quality whole- bean coffees and freshly brewed Italian-style espresso beverages. But don’t be intimidated by the amount of choices or slightly confusing sizes (tall, grande, venti, solo and doppio)! Just be willing to dive into something new. Customers may choose from classic blends of coffees, such as the House Blend and the Starbucks Breakfast Blend, to exotic blends like the Arabian Mocha Sanani and the French Roast. Fairfield students’ favorites are the White Chocolate Mocha and the Vanilla Chai with a shot of espresso. The chain even has exciting seasonal flavors, like Gingerbread Latte, Peppermint Mocha and Eggnog Latte.The store’s appealing atmosphere gives Fairfield students a great alternative to dorm studying. It’s open until 10:30 p.m. from Monday through Thursday, 11:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and until 9:30 p.m. on Sundays. The softly lit seating area is utilized by students who want to relax and chat, surf the ‘Net, or get some hardcore studying done with coffee in hand. It may be a huge franchise, but Starbucks makes its customers feel at home.
Staff Pick: Dunkin’ Donuts
Pulling an all-nighter? The Mirror staff loves Dunkin’ Donuts on Tuesday nights because we know that they’ll pull it with us. Their best offering: The Great One, their equivalent of an extra large. Our favorite blends that never fail to keep our eyes open are Original, Hazelnut and Cinnamon spice. Dunkin’ Donuts also offers delicious lattes, including flavors like Caramel Swirl and Mocha Swirl. And that’s not to mention their famous donuts, for when the staff is up until breakfast time. Dunkin’ Donuts’ fast, reliable service keeps The Mirror coming back. Open 24 hours a day and serving 2.7 million cups per day nationwide, it offers us coffee that keeps us from not falling asleep on our keyboards at 4 a.m. asdahewdasjeshebaafrocksafhhg Wow, need some now! And I’m off…
The Worst: Jazzman’s
Although the university’s cyber-café can’t compete with Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts’, its convenient location makes getting coffee easy. Stop by before your 9:30 a.m. or even in between afternoon classes for a quick pick-me-up, but be prepared to wait in a line that could take more than 10 minutes, especially before the opening of the Stag at the late hour off 11 a.m. Jazzman’s is also a comfortable and chic place to meet up with friends and chat over coffee at private tables, assuming you can find a place to sit and make it around the long line, which doesn’t even have an express lane for those just wanting a sandwich or soda. Although it’s not open 24 hours a day, like our favorite, the café does serve night owls until 10:00 p.m. Just swipe your StagCard and voila: a cup of coffee to get you through the night. Don’t worry; hopefully you’ll be too tired to taste it anyway!
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